Child and youth insurance

Most children have accident-insurance cover through their school or nursery school, but such insurances never apply to sickness, which is the commonest cause of serious injuries. And very young children have no protection at all. Parents thus need to make an active choice and set up a good insurance. Our Child and Youth Insurance is valid 24/7 in the event of both sickness and accidents.

Our Child and Youth Insurance covers both sickness and accidents, and includes many types of compensation for a variety of events, both major and minor, ranging from a few days’ hospitalisation to permanent injuries affecting the rest of the insured’s life.

Examples of how our insurance can help

  • SEK 500/day if a child is hospitalised
  • SEK 1,500 if a child breaks a leg or an arm
  • 10 percent of the insurance amount in the event of serious illnesses
  • Up to SEK 9,000/month if a parent is receiving a care allowance from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan)
  • Up to SEK 2,200,000 if a child is unable to work upon reaching adulthood
  • Up to SEK 6,600,000 in the event of permanent injury

You choose your own insurance amount based on your needs and your wallet: SEK 600,000, SEK 1,300,000 or SEK 2,200,000. The maximum compensation payable if a child becomes seriously ill or has an accident will be determined by the insurance amount. Insurances can be taken out for children under the age of 18, and can be retained until their 25th birthday, after which we offer a sickness and accident insurance for adults.

Apply early

Remember to apply for an insurance as soon as possible after a child’s birth, to give you the best chance of getting the insurance coverage you want. If you wish to compare different child insurances you can read more at External link. (in Swedish).